Boozyshop haul

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A little while ago Boozyshop had a great sale going on. Most of their brushes were on sale for 50% off. Because I was on the hunt for a blush brush and they had one I decided to just order it. I ended up buying more than only that one brush and that is what I am going to be showing you guys today. If you’re interested in seeing what I got, keep on reading!

First of all, something that stood out to me was that the brushes came in this adorable pink little bag. It’s super pretty and looks very professional and girly. Besides that it’s also a pretty useful bag. When I opened it I saw that there was a little card in there. I expected it to be like advertisement, but it was actually a hand written card from the shop owner which said “Enjoy your new Boozybrushes from Boozyshop. Thank you”. Isn’t that the most adorable thing ever? I really appreciate it!

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Now onto the first brush. The first one I got is the Short Shader brush. It’s a smaller eyeshadow brush. I personally think that you can’t ever have enough eyeshadow brushes, so I really wanted to have this one. I think that the brush over all looks very professional and pretty. The hairs feel super soft and they are nicely shaped.

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I also got a Pencil brush. I didn’t expect it to be this tiny, but I do like it. Because it’s very tiny you can apply your eyeshadows very precisely with it. It’s again super soft and it looks really professional. I honestly am already in love with these brushes and I haven’t even used them yet haha.

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Next up is the Taperd Blending brush. I feel the same way about these kinds of blending brushes as I feel about eyeshadow brushes. You can never have enough. Blending brushes are so super useful. This one has black hairs which is different from the other ones, but it’s not a bad thing. The hairs are again very soft and my first impression is again very positive.

All eyeshadow brushes were €2,50 (normally €4,95) and are available here.

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The last brush I got, the one that made me order all these brushes is the Angled Blush brush. This one is insanely soft and comes with one of those “brush guard” thingies over the hairs.I really like that. The brush itself looks super professional and good and the shape is also great. It’s the perfect blush brush. Besides that I also really like the size. My previous one was way too small, this is way better.

The Blush brush was €5,00 (normally €7,95) and is available here.

That was all I got. I hope you enjoyed reading today’s article and let me know which brush brand is your favorite! By the way there will be an in depth review about these brushes soon!

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8 thoughts on “Boozyshop haul

  1. Het lijken me erg fijne kwasten en ze zien er stevig uit. Ik gebruik echt een allegaartje als het om kwasten gaat. Veel kwasten van ebay maar ook een kwastenset van Zoeva.


  2. Ze lijken mij allemaal wel erg fijn eigenlijk! Ik heb zelf alleen de blending brush van Boozyshop en vind hem echt heel fijn om mee te werken! Hij is ook lekker zacht en dat vind ik heel belangrijk bij kwasten. Misschien dat ik er binnenkort nog een paar andere kwasten van ga bestellen! 🙂


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